47954070307122 47954070339890 47954070372658 47954070405426 47954070438194 47954070470962 47954070503730 47954070536498 47954070569266
Total price $82.73

Product Description


Brand Name: OphidianTac

Origin: Mainland China

Product Specifications:

● Name: Tactical magazine pouches

● Types: Single pouches, double pouches, triple pouches

● Colors: black, tan, green

● Single pouches size: 14 * 7.6 * 3 cm

● Double pouches size: 14 * 15 * 3 cm

● Triple pouches size: 14 * 23 * 3 cm

Pouches Features:

● Made with quality durable nylon.  With Double-Stitched Molle System.

● Design with secondary pockets at the front. Can hold other small magazines or tools.

● This mag pouches can be used on any tactical vest, backpack, or battle belt that accepts MOLLE attachments.

● Highly compatible. The rifle mag pouches can hold Three most small-caliber rifle magazines, Suitable for M4, M14, 5.56, AR15, 233, AK47,M16 magazines, 30 rounds AK47 / AK74 magazine, 30 rounds G36 magazine.

Package includes:

● 1* Magazine pouches

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